With this simple function, you will be able to get volume serial number
and label. It could be either hard disk partition or CD/DVD disk.
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} function GetHardDiskSerial(const DriveLetter: char): string; var NotUsed, VolumeFlags, VolumeSerialNumber: dWord; VolumeInfo: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; begin GetVolumeInformation(PChar(DriveLetter + ':\'), VolumeInfo, SizeOf(VolumeInfo),
@VolumeSerialNumber, NotUsed, VolumeFlags, nil, 0); Result := Format('Label = %s VolSer = %8.8X', [VolumeInfo, VolumeSerialNumber]); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage(GetHardDiskSerial('c')); end; end.
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