This little routine is for use with Indy Component (v10) to
decode some base-64 encoded information.Choose TBytes
return type because base-64 encoding can be used for any sequence of
"octets". You better to not return a string since that
implies text was encoded. We can easily return a string from the byte array.
As well as TBytes we use the relatively new
TBytesStream stream class, so you will need to make some changes
if using older Delphis.
function Base64Decode(const EncodedText: string): TBytes; var DecodedStm: TBytesStream; Decoder: TIdDecoderMIME; begin Decoder := TIdDecoderMIME.Create(nil); try DecodedStm := TBytesStream.Create; try Decoder.DecodeBegin(DecodedStm); Decoder.Decode(EncodedText); Decoder.DecodeEnd; Result := DecodedStm.Bytes; finally DecodedStm.Free; end; finally Decoder.Free; end; end;
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